
整理了下儿童玩具CPC报告被亚马逊拒绝的原因二、In order to review your documents related to Product Assurance of Toys, please submit them on Vendor Central using the following steps:三、 We noticed that the recommended Age Grade of the ASIN is missing on the product(s) detail page.四、Please be informed that we can only accept product images. Therefore, kindly take clear photo of the product and product packaging clearly displaying:五、Please be informed that we are unable to move forward with the approval process until the following required documentation is provided:六、The CPC submitted is missing required information. To move forward with the approvals process for your product, please resubmit the document with the following updated information:七、 Product description or product identifier enabling us to make an accurate determination that the certificate is issued for the correct product八、In order to move forward with the approval process, please submit the Children’s Product Certificate (CPC) that is issued by the manufacturer, importer, or priVATe labeler based on the guidelines stated in the Consumer Product Safety Commission website.十、The registration card submitted for your product did not include all of the following:十一、图片必须包含所有以下相关信息:安全信息和注册卡、合规标志(包括追踪标签)、商品危险警告总结:在联系检测机构进行CPC测试的时候,需找到经验丰富的业务员对接,一切按照亚马逊平台要求去做测试,否则认证机构做出来的CPC报告虽是真实有效的测试报告,但是亚马逊就是不认,千万不要以你运营的思维去理解。CPC在所有认证中属于比较特殊的认证,一般厂家提供的CPC证书没有用,多数需要贸易商自行处理。“不要你觉得OK,而是要让亚马逊觉得OK”(亚马逊的审核员并不专业,但是有模板对照,只要模板没问题,就可以过审)亚马逊要求CPC证书是属于商品安全审核!所以建议如果想要**做玩具类产品和母婴产品的卖家,还是要将证书做好!另外,被拒绝和审核时间长的朋友不必着急,目前来说只要提供CPC证书和报告后,在审核期到了还是没有回复也不会下架你的产品,仍然可以正常出单。


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